Saturday, January 30, 2010

snow day !

HaVE i MENTIONED? Lexie LOVES to dance. Yesterday, we went to the mall. My mom and I were looking for an outfit for the kids to wear for valentines day. So, Josh took the kids to the play place to play with Lexie and Ryan. He stopped by F.Y.E. and was listening to music on the headphones. Josh gave the headphones to Ryan. He said "that hurts my ears" So josh gave the headphones to Lexie and she gets a HUGE smile on her face and starts dancing. haha.

We tried to have a fun snow day yesterday. We got lots of snow.. about 3 inches? I will post pics later. She wasnt too thrilled. We brought her power wheels outside in the snow thinking that she would ride it. It didn't ride too good threw the snow. Lexie was cold and wanted to take a nap. So, she cried. But she got the jist of it.

She still has a runny nose. I'm still wiping it all the time.

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