Friday, June 12, 2009


Lexie is getting more exciting everyday! the last few days she has REALLY been on the GO.. and moving to bigger and better things then what I put in front of her to play with. She CRAWLS to put things in her mouth, get into things shes not supposed to get into, and SPILLING DRINKS.. IT AMUSES HER. So, On to.. WATCHING HER ALL THE TIME :) never getting to go have trips in the other rooms, cleaning, without having somebody to watch her..
It's exciting to know what interests her . " )
Today we went to the condo and visited my dad, after a LONG HOT DAY AT THE JUNK YARD. Lexie played with her Auntie Summer's Elmo doll. It talks, sits down, stands up, and when it falls down it says,"Pick me back up!" She was just chewing on him and laughing at him. I think I might have been more amused then she was !
Today in the car on the way to Arbys her Uncle Josh gave her FLAMING HOT Cheetos.. And surprisingly, She LOVED THEM! ate them all up. and made a HUGE MESS All Over her fingers and her mouth .. I should have taken Pictures.

1 comment:

  1. You do have to watch her constantly! Make sure she learns the word No...and quickly. :) Be firm and serious when you use it. Mean what you say. It's harder than it sounds, but you will be glad you did in the end when you have a well behaved little girl. Of course, lavish her with kisses too. One day, she won't want them anymore. Luckily, Summer still lets me kiss her all the time. Lexie too! She's such a doll.
